We provide legal assistance:
- To individuals, companies, associations, foundations and other corporations in elaboration, negotiation and management of employment contracts, contracts for the secondment of employees to another employer and collective employment agreements;
- To companies, associations, foundations and other corporations in elaboration of their internal rules such as internal regulations and codes of good conduct;
- To companies, associations, foundations and other corporations in regularization of their employees’ employment, in the regularization of the mentioned entities for labor matters, in adoption of good practices to instil the compliance of norms, instructions and to increase the levels of regular attendance of employees, in instituting disciplinary proceedings and in adoption of other corrective measures to propitiate a major efficiency in performance of clients activities;
- To companies, associations, foundations and other corporations in the proceedings of termination of employment contracts, contracts of secondment of employees to another employer and collective employment agreements;
- To companies, associations, foundations and other corporations in compliance of legal framework in force on labor matters, in satisfying interests and guarantees protected by law. We provide legal assistance in interactions and relationship between our clients and the organs of labor administration, such as the assistance in acts of the inspection of work, in replying and practicing of the necessary acts in defence of the clients’ interests on proceedings instituted by these organs;
- To companies, associations, foundations and other corporations in employment of foreign employees, in regularization of the employment of foreign employees before organs of labor administration, namely in the application for work permits, in the application for visas and residence permits, among others.
- To individuals in the application for Mozambican nationality;
- To companies, associations, foundations and other corporations in issuance of legal opinions about the legal framework on social security and in practicing acts in defence of their interests before the entities that manage social security, such as the institution of administrative proceedings for reimbursement of contributions, applications for articulation between the mandatory systems of social security and the reply/opposition to the decisions of those entities in defense of the clients’ interests.
We provide our legal service based on preventive method, which consists in advising our clients to adopt practices and programs that comply with the legal framework in force and that reduce the risk of litigation or of committing infractions by them (clients), and that also increase the levels of regular attendance and compliance of internal rules, procedures and policies of the clients by their employees.